In this script we look at the relative abundance of phylum & genus level diversity across sample fractions.
First, we load the rarefied data set containing all sample fraction (fish, water, potential prey items).
<- readRDS("rdata/p2/ps_16S_capis_bocas_all_rar.rds") ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas
Inspect the data and check if there are any empty ASV columns.
any(taxa_sums(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas) == 0)
Now we make a column in taxonomy table for ASV IDs by number.
tax_table(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas) <-
colnames(tax_table(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas)) <-
c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class",
"Order", "Family", "Genus", "ASV")
And then change row names in tax table (ASVs) to AVS IDs for plotting. Note. The ASV names in the rarefied data set will differ from the unrarefied data set because we decided to add new names after rarefying. That said, the ASV sequences have not changed and can be used for comparison.
taxa_names(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas) <- 1:ntaxa(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas)
taxa_names(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas) <-
paste("ASV_", taxa_names(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas),
sep = "")
[1] "ASV_1" "ASV_2" "ASV_3" "ASV_4" "ASV_5" "ASV_6"
Next, we change row names in taxonomy table to AVS IDs for plotting purposes.
<- data.frame(tax_table(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas))
tax.rar.bocas.all <- data.frame(ASV_ID = row.names(tax.rar.bocas.all),
tax.rar.bocas.all)<-[, c(2,3,4,5,6,7,1,8)] <- as.matrix(
<- merge_phyloseq(
ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas otu_table(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas),
First we gather the data at the phylum and genus levels. To do this we agglomerate the taxonomic levels and transform read counts to relative abundance. We filter out low abundance taxa (< 5%) and sort data frame alphabetically by phylum.
<- ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas %>%
Fractions_phylum tax_glom(taxrank = "Phylum") %>%
transform_sample_counts(function(x) {x/sum(x)} ) %>%
psmelt() %>%
filter(Abundance > 0.05) %>%
<- ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas %>%
Fractions_genus tax_glom(taxrank = "Genus") %>%
transform_sample_counts(function(x) {x/sum(x)} ) %>%
psmelt() %>%
filter(Abundance > 0.05) %>%
Then, we set all of the plot parameters. If you want to see all the code for plotting, please see the .Rmd
file linked on the bottom of the page.
We can also see what happens when we include rare taxa in the plots, grouped into an Other category.
<- readRDS("rdata/p2/ps_16S_bocas_rar_all_ASVID.rds") ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas_no_na
We start by renaming all NA
taxa by the next highest named rank. To do this we first, create a copy of the original ps
object before renaming taxa. That way we have a copy for other analyses.
<- data.frame(tax_table(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas_no_na))
tax.clean for (i in 1:6){ tax.clean[,i] <- as.character(tax.clean[,i])}] <- ""
for (i in 1:nrow(tax.clean)){
if (tax.clean[i,2] == ""){
<- base::paste("k", tax.clean[i,1], sep = "_")
kingdom 2:6] <- kingdom
tax.clean[i, else if (tax.clean[i,3] == ""){
} <- base::paste("p", tax.clean[i,2], sep = "_")
phylum 3:6] <- phylum
tax.clean[i, else if (tax.clean[i,4] == ""){
} <- base::paste("c", tax.clean[i,3], sep = "_")
class 4:6] <- class
tax.clean[i, else if (tax.clean[i,5] == ""){
} <- base::paste("o", tax.clean[i,4], sep = "_")
order 5:6] <- order
tax.clean[i, else if (tax.clean[i,6] == ""){
} $Genus[i] <- base::paste("f",tax.clean$Family[i], sep = "_")
}rm(class, order, phylum, kingdom)
Then, we create new ASV names that have lowest rank name attached.
<- tax.clean %>% unite("ASV_IDa", Genus:ASV_ID,
tax.clean remove = FALSE, sep = "_")
<- tax.clean %>% unite("ASV_IDb", ASV_ID:Genus,
tax.clean remove = FALSE, sep = "_")
<- tax.clean[, c(1,2,3,4,5,8,9,6,7,10)]
tax.clean $ASV_IDa <-
$ASV_IDb <-
$ASV_IDc <- tax.clean$ASV_IDa
tax.clean$ASV_IDc <-
'_ASV', '')
<- tax.clean[, c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,10)]
tax.clean write.csv(tax.clean, "tables/p2/tax_rar_new_no_na.csv")
And finally, add the taxonomy table back to the phyloseq object.
tax_table(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas_no_na) <- as.matrix(tax.clean)
saveRDS(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas_no_na, "rdata/p2/ps_16S_bocas_rar_all_ASVID_no_NA.rds")
Optional If you want, you can choose to separate Proteobacteria into classes and then run the phylum level analysis. We do not do that here however the code is available if you wish to implement this option.
#proteo <- subset_taxa(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas_no_na, Phylum=="Proteobacteria")
#get_taxa_unique(proteo, taxonomic.rank = rank_names(proteo)[3], errorIfNULL=TRUE) <- ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas_no_na
#tax.clean2 <- data.frame(tax_table(
#for (i in 1:nrow(tax.clean2)){
# if (tax.clean2[i,2] == "Proteobacteria" & tax.clean2[i,3] == "Alphaproteobacteria"){
# phylum <- paste("Alphaproteobacteria")
# tax.clean2[i, 2] <- phylum
#} else if (tax.clean2[i,2] == "Proteobacteria" & tax.clean2[i,3] == "Gammaproteobacteria"){
# phylum <- paste("Gammaproteobacteria")
# tax.clean2[i, 2] <- phylum
#} else if (tax.clean2[i,2] == "Proteobacteria" & tax.clean2[i,3] == "Deltaproteobacteria"){
# phylum <- paste("Deltaproteobacteria")
# tax.clean2[i, 2] <- phylum
#} else if (tax.clean2[i,2] == "Proteobacteria" & tax.clean2[i,3] == "p_Proteobacteria"){
# phylum <- paste("unc_Proteobacteria")
# tax.clean2[i, 2] <- phylum
# }
#tax_table( <- as.matrix(tax.clean2)
#rm(class, order, phylum, kingdom)
# taxonomic.rank = rank_names([2],
# errorIfNULL=TRUE)
First we choose the number of taxa to display for phylum and genus, then collapse the rest into Other.
<- aggregate_top_taxa(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas_no_na,
ps.rar.bocas_agg_phy top = 15, level = "Phylum")
taxonomic.rank = rank_names(ps.rar.bocas_agg_phy)[2],
errorIfNULL = TRUE)
<- aggregate_top_taxa(ps.slv.tree.mbio.rar.bocas_no_na,
ps.rar.bocas_agg_gen top = 57, level = "Genus")
taxonomic.rank = rank_names(ps.rar.bocas_agg_gen)[2],
errorIfNULL = TRUE)
We then select the order of the taxa to display. If you want to see all the code for ordering, please see the .Rmd
file linked on the bottom of the page.
And gather the data at the phylum and genus levels.
<- ps.rar.bocas_agg_phy %>%
Fractions_phylum transform_sample_counts(function(x) {x/sum(x)} ) %>%
$Phylum <- gdata::reorder.factor(Fractions_phylum$Phylum,
Fractions_phylumnew.order = phy_order)
<- Fractions_phylum %>% dplyr::arrange(Phylum)
Fractions_phylum levels(Fractions_phylum$Phylum)
<- ps.rar.bocas_agg_gen %>%
Fractions_genus transform_sample_counts(function(x) {x/sum(x)} ) %>%
$Genus <- gdata::reorder.factor(Fractions_genus$Genus, new.order = gen_order)
Fractions_genus<- Fractions_genus %>% dplyr::arrange(Genus)
Fractions_genus levels(Fractions_genus$Genus)
Then we set the themes for plotting. If you want to see all the code for plotting, please see the .Rmd
file linked on the bottom of the page.
That’s the end of Script 2. In the next Script we subset the fish samples for downstream analysis.
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If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
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